Crafting the Ultimate BBQ Sauce: A Step-by-Step Guide to Custom Blends!

Crafting the Ultimate BBQ Sauce: A Step-by-Step Guide to Custom Blends!

It’s true, a great BBQ sauce can elevate your grilled dishes from good to exceptional, but even better news is that it’s really easy to make your own BBQ sauce that is just as good, if not better than your supsermarket staples. This means not only can you impress your guests with your homemade BBQ sauces (they won’t believe its not shop bought), you can also very easily have control over all the ingredients - no chemicals, reduced salt, manage the spice levels. While there are plenty of commercial options available, nothing beats a homemade BBQ sauce tailored to your taste preferences. In this post, I’ll go through the process of crafting your own ultimate BBQ sauce, once you know the basics, you can freely adapt them and adjust to make it however you like, want an apple BBQ sauce? Sure thing! Want it more smokey? You got it.

If you want to checkout a couple example BBQ sauce recipes before diving straight into making your own, then you can check out my super simple beginners BBQ sauce or my more advanced smokey BBQ sauce

Understanding the basics of BBQ sauce

BBQ sauces generally fall into several regional categories, each with its own distinct flavor profile. Understanding these basics can help you decide on the direction for your custom blend:

  • Kansas City Style: Thick, sweet, and tangy with a tomato base.
  • Memphis Style: Similar to Kansas City but with a bit more vinegar and a bit less sweetness.
  • Texas Style: Bold and spicy, often with a tomato and beef broth base.
  • Carolina Style: Vinegar-based, can be either mustard (South Carolina) or tomato (North Carolina) based.
  • Alabama White Sauce: A mayonnaise-based sauce with vinegar and pepper.

In the UK, almost all the BBQ sauces you will get in the supermarket, and that you will likely be most familiar with is Kansas city style BBQ sauce. There are some brands, such as Sauce Shop that offer a decent Carolina Style sauce, that I do recommend with chicken if you see it in the supermarket (I picked some up just the other week from my Sainsburys)

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Own BBQ Sauce

1. Choose your base

The base of your BBQ sauce will determine its primary flavor profile. Here are a few options:

  • Tomato Base: Use ketchup, tomato paste, or tomato sauce for a classic BBQ sauce.
  • Vinegar Base: Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar for a tangy Carolina-style sauce.
  • Mustard Base: Yellow mustard or Dijon for a sharp, tangy South Carolina influence.
  • Mayonnaise Base: For a creamy, tangy Alabama white sauce.

I’ll be honest, in line with UK standards, I pretty much always go tomato based - but feel free to mix it up if you are familiar with these other styles.

2. Add sweetness

Sweetness balances the acidity and spice in BBQ sauce - tomato based sauces with have some acidity, but not as much as the vinegar heavy ones, so you can adjust the sweetness as you go. Common sweeteners include:

  • Brown Sugar: Adds a rich molasses flavor.
  • Honey: Gives a smooth, floral sweetness.
  • Maple Syrup: Adds a unique, earthy sweetness.
  • Molasses: For a deep, robust flavor.

3. Incorporate tang

If we are starting with a tomato based sauce (or at least, not a vinegar based sauce) then we need to add some tanginess to balance the sweetness. It might seem a bit like I’ve just said we need to add sweeteners to take the edge off the tang, and now saying we need to add tang to balance out the sweetness! The truth is, a good sauce needs both of these elements to balance each other out, you want the tanginess and a bit of sweetness. Vinegar based sauces have the tanginess in bucket loads, so we want to think about how much sweetness we need to add, where as tomato based sauce is less tangy and has more natural sweetness. Either way, we will want to add a bit more!

  • Vinegars are a common, and great, sauce of tanginess in BBQ sauces, the most common being apple cider vinegar. It has a milder tang and is also relatively cheap!
  • Lemon Juice will add a fruitier acidity as well as a little sweetness, making your sauce a bit more fresh and zesty
  • Worcestershire Sauce will add more depth and umami to the sauce, along with a bit of tang.

4. Layer in the Spices

Spices are where you can start to truly customize your sauce, they can add all sorts of flavours and surprises to the sauce. If you plan to pair the sauce with a specific cook then you may want to think about how your flavours work with the specific ingredients its going for. Some common ingredients are below, but really do have fun here!

  • Garlic and Onion Powder: Essential for depth.
  • Smoked Paprika: Adds smokiness without the need for liquid smoke.
  • Chili Powder: For heat and complexity.
  • Black Pepper: For a bit of sharpness.

5. Add Heat (Optional)

If you like your BBQ sauce with a kick, and many of us do, then you will also want to think about how you can add a bit of heat to the sauce. Common options for this are:

  • Cayenne Pepper: For a sharp, intense heat.
  • Hot Sauce: Adds heat and tanginess.
  • Chipotle Peppers in Adobo: For a smoky, spicy flavor.

6. Incorporate Liquid for Consistency

A big part of making the sauce is essentially mixing the ingredients together and then reducing them to a thicker, sticky sauce. Throughout this process, we’ll likely want to thin it out to continue simmering to really develop the flavours. Of course, in lieu of anything else, you could just use water, but it’s another opportunity to experiment and add other dimensions to your sauce!

  • Water: To thin out the sauce without adding extra flavor.
  • Apple Juice: Adds a mild sweetness and tang.
  • Beer or spirits: For a rich, complex flavor profile - I have included whisky in some of my BBQ sauces before and its worked really well.


Experiment! Don’t be afraid to try new ingredients like fruit purees, different spices, or even a splash of coffee. Creating your own BBQ sauce is a rewarding process that allows you to tailor the flavors exactly to your liking. By understanding the basic components and experimenting with different ingredients, you can craft a sauce that’s perfect for your BBQ dishes. So grab your saucepan and start mixing – your ultimate BBQ sauce awaits!

Photo by Amie Johnson on Unsplash